Cape Town Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Cape Town.

Meet 28 developer View everyone

ID 32222

Anthony Cohen

Founder of, Founder @primall-media turnover of 100million sold to Primedia Ltd. Founder of @shambhala Holistic center.

ID 853504

Sean Brodie

Engineering Student • Cofounded StratusNote

ID 276720

Enzy Divoom

developed a noticeboard website using tomcat server and java servlets, css, html, html5,mysql.

ID 32098

Petrus Theron

Founder & CEO at Founder & CTO at Electronic Engineering w/CS degree from Stellenbosch University.

ID 616346

Richard Oakley

Media + Tech.

ID 589366

Johan Nell

Working at @over

ID 419973

Petrus Rademeyer

Polyglot software developer with an interest in scaling and esports.

ID 72757

Tim Lind

Web Programmer. Re-invent everything.

ID 184363

Chris Nyenhuis

Co-Founder of @eyesonfreight . 6 yrs experience in logistics & international business development • Studied at @university-of-missouri Political Science and Business background

ID 236

Bernard O'Flynn

Founder & CEO of BodyState. Co-founder of 4 other startups. Former Director of Wonga Technology, part of @wonga BSc. Elec Engineering @university of Cape Town

ID 247024

Darin Morris

Co-Founder & CTO of @todo-co-za. South African Tech Entrepreneur, Web App Developer with 8 yrs business experience. 1st startup out of high school

ID 572195

Matthew Smit

BA in Philosophy. Strong in the field of innovation and creativity. Currently self learning HTML, JAVA and Python, looking for internship opportunity

ID 636223

Johann du Toit

Server Admin, Network Engineer, Programmer and all round nerd.

ID 476208

Liam Baker

BSc Hons Math @ UCT, won medals at many international math competitions and attended math summer schools, MMUF fellow, familiar with many programming languages.

ID 205992

Nick Pentreath

Founder @graphflow. Previously VP Data Science @mxit, Research Scientist @cognitive-match. Sales @goldman-sachs. MSc Machine Learning @university-college-london

ID 43225

Scott Hadfield

Founder @helloprettysa, S.Africa's largest design marketplace. Can communicate w/ people & programmers. Director of Dev @NowPublic. Drupal, security & code

ID 283430


CEO of Kaizen Garden. Geek. DevOps / Cloud Operations Engineer. DBA. Coffee aficionado. Worked at Joyent, TextDrive and NPM.

ID 19473

Armand Du Plessis

CTO @hornet. Entrepreneur. Ruby-on-Rails. Mobile.

ID 331031

Robert Curtis

Founder at and University of Cape Town, CS. Backend and frontend developer

ID 739993

Sean Walsh

Full stack developer most familiar with Microsoft technologies.

ID 258639

Andrew Lynch

Founder of Cablekiosk

ID 224731

Lungisa Matshoba

Founder Yoco, @yeigo-communications-telfree • Studied at @university-of-cape-town

ID 497458

Douglas Day

Co-Founder of dotLogic Consulting. British by birth, I moved to Cape Town 7 Years ago. I'm looking for interesting opportunities to apply my skills as a data nerd.

ID 484268

Gerrit Wessels

I'm a full-stack Software Developer with almost 7 years of experience. Ruby on Rails, PHP, JavaScript and more recently, iOS.

ID 521499

Gert Hattingh

Recent graduate of CTU Training Solutions, FET: Software Development, FET: Design Foundation, FET: Systems Development.

ID 252466

Tsitso Tlali

The Mobile and HTML5 Developer and Tech entrepreneur!!! #ResponsiveDesign #Nodejs #Android #iOS

ID 673857

Karl Penzhorn

Masters Degree in Numerical Methods, Software Engineer, Automating Large Company Back-ends

ID 146601

Lilian Baksalevowicz

Founder @filmcontact-com, @filmdaily-tv

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);